Risk Management


Every organization has its own methods. When implementing these in the firm, opportunities and threats may arise that can influence these methods; at both strategic and operational level.

If one is not aware of this, the consequences can be major and far-reaching. To ensure the continuity of your organization, it is important that you understand these threats (these can be both internal and external). If you want to have grip on your organization, risk management is necessary.

Our software solution: The Risk Management System

Insight into possible dangers and threats and the associated consequences is important. Gaining this insight is possible by performing risk analyses and targeted control measures. You can do this quickly and easily with the Risk Management System. Our software enables you to identify and analyse risks in a simple way. Moreover, with the help of the risk matrix you can estimate how high these risks are for your company.

Managing and controlling risks

By establishing targeted control measures and implementing these in the organization, you can limit the risks to a more controlled level. This allows you to guarantee quality, safety and continuity. Risk inventories can also reveal certain bottlenecks in operational management, which can lead to innovations or improvements of processes.

Image 1: Creating a risk assessment

Monitoring of control measures

The Risk Management System enables you to monitor the proposed measures. You have a continuous overview of the current risk actions and their status. The dashboard of the software provides a clear overall picture and ensures that you are always in control of your organization.

Risk analysis

Also, the Risk Management System enables you to perform analyses of all risk-types. These analyses indicate what the greatest threats are to your organization. This gives you the opportunity to improve your organization, if necessary or desirable.

Risk awareness

Analysing risks is a continuous process. In the Risk Management System, you can indicate how often you want to do this. Checking whether certain risks still apply or identifying new hazards is of great importance in a rapidly changing environment. Therefore, it is important that you regularly organize evaluation sessions with several people. In the meantime, the people involved can communicate via the Risk Management System. Regularly assessing the risk by employees also helps to raise awareness of the present risks within the organization.

Awareness leads to behavioural change

The benefits of the Risk Management System

  • The software is accessible, quick and easy to use;
  • With the software, you can assign roles and rights, such as setting standards, reviewing and approving;
  • The software contains a smart “wizard” for creating risk inventories;
  • Several types of risk inventories can be made; Stakeholder, process, project, information security, RI&E, TRA, etc.;
  • Risk inventories can be made at strategic, tactical and operational level;
  • Extensive reporting functionality and version management;
  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are transparent per process;
  • Merging of multiple risk inventories into one document;
  • Compliant with the HLS standards, such as ISO 9001, 27001, 45001, Nen 7510, etc.

Flyer Risk Management System 


Have you become curious about the capabilities of the Risk Manager? Click the button below and request a no-obligation demo. Experience for yourself what our software can do for your business! 

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Baanhoek 144A
3361 GM Sliedrecht

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