Introducing: Arda

Today it is the time for our Arda to introduce himself. Arda is 24 years old and starting his 4th year of Computer Science at the Hogeschool Rotterdam. When Arda is not busy programming, he likes to keep his knowledge up to date by studying all kinds of new technologies. Gaming and watching movies is also one of his favorite pastimes.

What do you do at Inbisco?

I am a software engineer! That means I'm busy every day fixing bugs, developing our software and keeping the code up to date. Together with the team, we do our best to make the software as good as possible for our customers!

What is it like to work at INBISCO?

I haven't regretted my choice of INBSICO for a single day. Every day I learn something new and enjoy working with my colleagues. The atmosphere is informal. Because of the broad experience within the team we are strong together and that only benefits my learning curve.

What do you enjoy working on the most?

If I had to choose something, I think I would enjoy developing new functionalities the most. It always makes me feel good when I finish a task and you can see what you've created!

What would you most like to have a free supply of throughout your life?

Within the office, this certainly won't be a surprise; Coke Zero! Specifically Coca Cola Zero, yes Pepsi is fine, but only if I have to! So if I had to choose one drink for the rest of my life,apart from water, it would be Coca Cola Zero.

What was the last concert you went to?

The last concert I went to was JID, a rapper from America. I went to the concert with a good friend and it was great! In general, I listen to music a lot. The experience of seeing an artist perform live always stays with me.

What is the last series you watched?

The series I'm watching right now is "The Wire." I know I'm a little late to the party, but it's definitely recommended! After this I am going to watch the new season of "The Bear" since I loved the first season.

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