5 Tactics for a successful QHSE implementation

Through our management systems, our many years of experience in the process industry and close cooperation with our partners, we have a good picture of the obstacles companies may encounter during QHSE implementations. Indeed, over the years we have noticed a few crucial aspects that we believe do not only contribute to a successful implementation of a QHSE Management System, but also contribute to successfully maintaining and improving this QHSE culture now and in the many years to come. 

1. Clear communication is the basis of QHSE:

You may have heard this before, but communication is one of the most important aspects of a successfully implemented QHSE system. Without clear communication, constant feedback and above all; transparent communication between everyone in the team / company, a properly functioning QHSE system cannot be set up. Everyone in a company has a different view on certain processes and these other perspectives are very valuable. Therefore, as a manager, try to encourage others to share their feedback and ideas and see this as an opportunity to improve your system and make it more effective! 

2. Focus on risks:

Managers are often so busy focusing on fulfilling their duties and those of other employees that risk factors are often overlooked. This is a shame and a major pitfall for successful QHSE implementation. By properly analyzing and charting the potential risks in your company, you can distribute your goods / products more effectively and efficiently. This way you do not only avoid risks that can cost you a lot of money and slow down your processes, but you also ensure that the working environment within your company is safe and well-arranged. Nobody likes negative surprises, right? 

3. Conduct internal audits on a regular basis: 

The only way you can see the success of your QHSE implementation and your QHSE culture is by regularly assessing them and conducting internal audits. This allows you to measure how well your QHSE system actually works and you can perform analyses to see if the system has an actual impact on your processes. This way, you always have control over your system and maintain certainty of having correct insights on your progress. 

4. Change not only your system, but also your mindset:

One of the most difficult steps within the implementation of a QHSE system is changing the mindset of your company. You may have the right software now, but without the cooperation of your employees your system will have be of no use. Therefore, make sure that everyone in your company understands the software, knows how to handle it and sees the vision of the software. Indeed, as soon as one of these aspects is missing, the implementation becomes more difficult. So make sure that your employees are well trained and constantly receive an update on new developments within your system. "I don't really see it" must be changed to "wow, this makes my job more efficient!". 

5. Create a QHSE strategy that fits your company:

Finally, we want to discuss how important it is to develop a personal QHSE strategy for your company. Everyone knows about what a QHSE system can be used for, but how this system is used and implemented, differs per company. Therefore, take a good look if the implementation of your QHSE system fits in with the general strategic direction of your company. By aligning the goals of your QHSE system with the goals of your company, you increase the chance of success. So, make sure that everyone in your company knows how the QHSE system can help their work and how the system can help you achieve your overall business goals. This way, everyone within your company has the same goals, there is no disagreement between management teams, and you create clarity within your company. 

Interested in how we make these steps a reality at INBISCO? Take a look at our software! 

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