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Esmee Blokland

IRIS User training

IRIS - User Training

With IRIS User Training, you'll be ready to use IRIS optimally in no time!

Purpose of training.

Users of the software must be able to create their notification without thinking. For this purpose, the training course USER IRIS was created. The purpose of this training is to let users experience the benefits and use of the system, so that they experience the system as low-threshold and support is created within the organization.

For whom is this training intended?

This training has been specially developed for the most important users of the IRIS software, also known as the key users.


  • Setting learning goals;
  • Discovering the INBISCO philosophy of improvement management;
  • The working method; When and how to create a report? When and how is a task created? What happens to a notification and what is expected of the user regarding statuses and deadlines;
  • The importance and benefits of the system.


When the training is completed, the organization is ready for the improved way of working and users can:

  • Easily create a report completely independently, access the system and pick up tasks;
  • Easily understand the status system and add documents within a notification;
  • Use the system and see its benefits.

“By continuously improving, the quality delivered is at an ever higher level with all the positive consequences that come with it: a satisfied customer, a satisfied employee and satisfied stakeholders.”


The IRIS User Training takes one half-day session.

Sign up immediately and without obligation